Trumpet and
Torch Ministries encourages Christians to cultivate a deeper life with God and develop an abiding and intimate relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. This website offers online devotional prayer and fasting journey's written under the Holy Spirit's guidance to lead believers into consecrated seasons of prayer, repentance, and feasting on the Word of God, to nourish and equip individual believers and strengthen the Body of Christ. These devotional journeys introduce believers to the neglected, but necessary discipline of fasting on the Word of God. "Your Words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts" (Jeremiah 15:16). The
fast described in the devotional portion of this website is written
strictly from a spiritual perspective and does not address the medical
and physical aspects of fasting. A summary of the different types of fasts described in the Bible are available under the Fasting 101 Document found on the home page of this website.
journeys, as written, are based in part upon the author's personal
experiences. While the author has been led by the Lord to fast in the
traditional sense, which calls for restricting solid foods from the
diet, the process described in this website does not require the
elimination of food for the Lord to accomplish His work in the life of
the believer who commits to seeking Him wholeheartedly. Times of fasting are times for seeking the presence of God. The call to fast is a call to cultivate a deeper life of intimacy with, and dependence on, the Lord. To experience the "fullness of life" the Lord Jesus Christ promised believers (John 10:10), it is necessary to be emptied of obstacles that hinder the spiritual life - the flesh, sin, worldly pursuits and desires, and the self-life. "When we fast," as Christ said we would (Matthew 6:16; 9:15), we are to separate ourselves as holy vessels for His purposes. We do this by setting aside time to empty ourselves by no longer making our primary pursuit the feeding of our flesh, and instead, taking time to sit at the table of the Sovereign King of kings to feed the spiritual life, and feast from the savory, satisfying spiritual portions He places on our plate each day from His Holy Word, the Bible, and developing the oneness our Father desires and our Savior prayed for us to experience (John 17).
author is not a medical doctor and recommends that before beginning a
fast, that limits food or liquid, one should first consult a physician. This ministry does not endorse lengthy liquid-type fasts or suggest fasting in young children or pregnant women. For
those with specific medical conditions, certain precautions may be
needed before attempting a traditional fast of any length.
website is designed to introduce the user to a process of holding fast
to the Lord by encouraging the user to dine on the Word of God which
will result in creating an appetite for the eternal ways of God and not
the temporal desires of this earth. The
sacrifices encouraged in this journey are the sacrifice of personal
time to offer up to God a sacrifice of repentance and praise (Hebrews
13:15-16). May your discovery of this often-neglected spiritual discipline lead you to restored intimacy with the Lord and a renewed commitment to seek His face daily and enjoy His fellowship moment by moment. "I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12b) Blessings for the journey!
I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -
this is your spiritual
act of worship." -Romans 12:1