Prelude to the Song

To the Beloved Bride of Christ -

Each year, during the Feast of Passover, the Jews read the Song of Solomon as a reminder of their covenant relationship with Jehovah. "For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth" (Isaiah 54:5). Considered by the Jews to be the Holy of Holies of Scripture, the "Song of Songs" beautifully illustrates God's love for, and His great desire to experience deeper communion with, His people.  Within the folds of this beautiful and sacred text a marvelous melody extolling wedded love emerges, unveiling a deep and passionate overture of Christ's love for His Church, His Bride.

As we prepare our hearts for the celebration of our Lord's Passion, our heavenly Father would have us remember the depths and heights and widths and breadths of His great love for us in sending His only Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins on the Cross. We would never know love if not for the love God first demonstrated toward us. There is no greater expression of love than what He has poured out upon the world through the offering of His Son, who shed His blood for the sins of mankind.  May we partake of the feast He has provided for us and learn to dine daily upon divine love as we believe in the One He has sent and receive into our hearts the fullness of His love and grace!

Over the next few days we will enter the sacred place where the heart of God resides, sitting silently in His presence as He woos us with His eternal Love Song and paints in poetic prose a beautiful and glorious picture of the love-relationship He laid His life down to have with us.  May you accept this divine invitation to sit at the feet of your Beloved Bridegroom and allow Him to shower you with His most earnest affections.  May this sweet and deeply personal reminder of God's great love for you re-ignite in you the flames of First Love and awaken the spiritual life within to renewed zeal and passion for the Lord that cannot be quenched! "Since you were precious in My sight you have been honored, and I have loved you" (Isaiah 43:4a).

This journey is a 9-day journey, it was originally written in 2012, and began during the final 3 days of the Lord's Passion when our Savior was crucified, buried, and resurrected from the grave, and then continued through that first week of the glorious new season of grace that flooded the earth.  As you partake of this feast, may you be led to new levels of joy as He did His disciples when He revealed Himself to them as the risen and living Lord of glory, and discover renewed and deepening levels of intimacy with your beloved Bridegroom as He embraces you with His Love Song!

Blessings for the Journey!

In His wonderful love and grace,

Traci Alexander
Psalm 27:4

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A devotional prayer and fasting journey through the Song of Songs
(c) 2012 Traci A. Alexander. All Rights Reserved.