Called To Christ

A 40-day meal-by-meal prayer and fasting journey

Revealing the Wisdom and Power of God

"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you

except Jesus Christ and Him Crucified."

(1 Corinthians 2:2)

This fifth, in a series, of 40-day meal-by-meal fasting journeys, reveals the person and work of Jesus Christ and His utmost desire for our lives - to know Him!

We have been called not to a cause, but to a person - Jesus Christ; and like the apostle Paul, our highest pursuit and purpose should be to proclaim nothing and no one else but Christ and Him Crucified.  This journey will take you back to the place it all began and experience the power and wisdom of God in the message of the cross.


Coming Soon to the Temple as an Online Journey!

May the message of the cross be continually on your lips!